Morphosis, Electroacoustic music composition, 44min, 3D audio (High Order Ambisonic), 2024
This composition explores the intersection of eco-systemic evolutionary processes and sound design, drawing on concepts like ecotones, biomes, tipping points, and entropy.
The creation process involved a variety of electronic devices, such as modular synthesizers (ARP, Serge) and scientific measurement tools, to capture organic and chaotic sound materials. These sounds were arranged in ways inspired by the dynamics of natural evolution, as processes like competition, mutualism, and predation.
The composition represents an evolving ecosystem of sounds that shift and adapt to various ecological thresholds, emphasizing resilience (the system’s ability to resist and adapt to disturbances) and the unforeseen consequences of these changes (domino effects). Those notions challenges the human capacity to grasp large-scale, interconnected phenomena - what philosopher Timothy Morton calls "Hyperobjects" - which are so vast that they exceed human comprehension.
The sonic materials were recorded at Willem Twee Studios in the Netherlands, during a residency funded by the Institut Français NL. It was composed in high-order ambisonics for a 3D sound space at the ACROE loudspeaker dome in France, as part of a call from the Apnées association.
To listen to the piece in a binaural format for headphones: SoundCloud
Apr. 8th: tba, Amsterdam, NL
Oct 18th: Morphosis, Ambisonic concert, Animalesc public program, Pavillon of Catalonia, Venice Art Biennale, IT (link)
Sept 13th: Morphosis, concert, High Order Ambisonic spatial audio for a 24 loudspeakers dome. Festival Paysage composés, Apnée, Grenoble, FR link
Sept: Spatial composition residency, Ambisonic HOA 3D, Apnées, Grenoble, FR link
June 17-30th: Residency at Willem Twee Studios, NL. Organised and supported by Institut Français NL, Nouveau Grand Tour.
Morphosis, residency at Willem Twee Studios, 2024
Morphosis Live at Venice Art Biennale 2024, Catalan Pavillon, Bestiari's installation
To know more about Bestiari's sound installation: Bestiari. The installation uses various spatialisation technologies: HOA, IKO, WFS, Parametric, Subsonic, described in a research paper presented at the AES NY 2024.
Morphosis, Spatial Score, Venice Art Biennale 2024, Bestiari's installation, HOA, WFS, IKO, parametric speakers, Futura.